Your website isMulti-Lingual and Everywhere

Website globalization is not just translating the website content into the target language. We take into our consideration the common elements found in the majority of modern websites such as HTML elements with text, Digital assets, Permalinks, Images with text and Multilingual SEO. All of these components must be evaluated when doing website localization or you will end up with a site that is at best visually unappealing, and at worst, incomprehensible to your target audience.

IntlSight takes the guesswork and hassle out of the website translation experience. We pick up when your developers and marketing people have left off. We can work with you whether you have a content management system or not. Simply provide us with the source files and we will return translated files ready for upload.

Website Globalization Process

In IntlSight, we guarantee providing Website Globalization services in high level of quality passing through the described below 12 steps for Website Globalization.

Our professional project managers study and analyze the client’s request and the website to understand the subject matter, target language(s) and select the most suitable linguistic team for the project.

The dedicated project manager confirms the project scope with the client to be aware of the ideal completion deadline, the format of the translated content, the subject matter, the approved terminology, and style guide to follow.

IntlSight project manager prepares a quote with the assistance of our experienced Localization Engineers and estimates the turnaround time.

After sharing the quotation with the client and getting an approval on the cost, project scope and turnaround time, the project manager kicks off the project for translation.

Translations are performed by a base translation team and edited and proofread by a second linguistic team with higher experience. All translations are completed by human translators, using translation memory (TM) technologies and QA tools to ensure an efficient and consistent translation.

After TEP step is completed, we assure the translation quality by running different QA tools to check translation consistency, terminology consistency, punctuation, forgotten translations, numbering, …etc.

Translation often affects the website’s layout and may require some engineering interaction depending on the target language. Right to left, top to bottom and which pages should be available are important considerations when localizing the website.

Cultural messages both subtle and not so subtle can be contained within pictures. The website may unknowingly portray negative connotations that may irritate or even offend the audience. Images need to be carefully reviewed and perhaps adjusted to positively reflect upon the company and messaging. Colors, although not as critical, can also have cultural meanings that must be analyzed in website localization. Proper color choices can improve user acceptance and avoid hidden meanings. For example, in Korea pink represents “trust,” in China yellow represents “nourishing” and in India red represents “purity.” Color choice may not always have disastrous consequences, but avoiding subtle unwanted meanings is always advisable.

IntlSight project manager shares a draft version of the website content translation with the customer to approve the translation and provide any feedback or comments. Then the client publishes the translations online.

Functional testing is conducted by our testing engineers to ensure the target website works just the same as the source version and that the links function properly. Linguistic teams test the website translation in context and verify there is consistency across the website.

The linguistic team reviews and implements the customer feedback and prepare the final version to deliver to the client.

Project manager delivers the final translated and QA’ed content to the client and Engineering team updates the Translation Memories to make use of the already translated content in future projects.

IntlSight’s experienced and professional Localization Engineering team is very familiar with the different types of CMSs like WordPress, Sitecore, Umbraco, … etc.